Friday 9 May 2008

Ahhhhh lov-a-lee

Its come to my attention— by my subconscious— that I've been a tad negative... and I've only written 2 entries... so I thought I'd write about the things I love about living in Suffolk, the province I consider the "51st State".

This village for one-- stunning views of low lying green valleys, flowing yellow rapeseed fields gleaming in the sun, fresh clean air.... and the people. Absolutely love the people. Can't fault them—okay well, maybe a few— but that's what makes it rich (I was gonna be positive, remember?)

Take for instance this morning. Walking to the post office, I bade a "'Mornin'" to everyone I met— and they responded! Try doing that in Florham Park, New Jersey. Even chatted to the local "Ban the Bomb" bloke— lovely fellow— who the burgermeister (yes he's back) deemed "a dangerous fellow" for his environmental views (99% of them of which I subscribe to). And all this poor man wants to do is make more wild flower meadows to enrich the ecological growth. Hmmm, sounds dangerous to me.

Right now the sun is still shining at seven in the evening. Our well-fed robins, black birds, finches, thrushes, doves and wood pigeons have stopped knicking the cat's food and are happily singing. Can't fault that.

Love it— love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and for that reason, among many, we can't wait to visit!