Thursday 15 May 2008

Than'Gawd Ima Cuntree Gurl!

For some reason I have John Denver's classic Thank God I'm a Country Boy! filling my head— modified of course, with me belting out "GIRL!" on que every time.

Who woulda thunk it – me, a glorified City Girl, more Mary Tyler Moore than Sarah Jessica Parker really, but a city girl nonetheless. God forbid you caught me out of makeup or dressed up but instead in the dirt especially with wellies. Now it's part of my new uniform. My wellies stay close to the office door, just in case I have to do a mad dash to spontaneously plant something or pull out more never ending nettles– which as a side note (my family loves tangents) nettles make a very nourishing tea for plants. Mine is currently brewing as we speak. I guess you'd say I was a cross between the English Rose gardener and Dr Jekyl with the amount of concoctions I –uh– concoct.

Speaking of concoctions (double tangent), my mother is Queen of Concoctdom. My childhood was spent trying to analyze what type of 'ickkies' she put in the dinner soup today.

"Not bad..." we'd all node to each other, secretly conferring after one taste. But after 3 spoonfuls, we were stuffed. It wasn't long after in my early adulthood I had the courage to ask, "...what exactly went into those soups?"

After going through the long list of veggies, liver and gelatine– and me going "ugh" "yuk" "ohhhh bleck" to every ingredient– was I sorry I did asked. Everything but the kitchen sink went in. Luckily she would try it first, so if it tasted good to her, she knew we'd eat it. Now I know why I used to hear strange giggles from the kitchen in between the wrrrrrrrrr of the blender... or was it– nahhhhhhhhhh. Nevermind.

What was I talking about?

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